コージの海外バレー放浪記(Koji's Overseas Volleyball Wandering)


バクニンチームあるある!第七弾!(Something about the Bac Ninh! team No7!)

バクニンチームあるある!第七弾選手の部屋の前にて。🔴は、約一週間放置。青丸は、かれこれひと月以上放置。この部屋の選手に、いつ、だれが、どこに持っていくんだ?と聞いたら、トレーニング後、部屋に入れたみたいです😅🔴 青丸共に、洗わず部屋内に放置ですね😅🤣😫誰かがやってくれる!チームバクニン選手のスタイルみたいです😁🤣😆


Something about the Bac Ninh! team No7!

In front of the players' room.
🔴Leave it for about a week.
The blue circle has been left alone for over a month.

I asked the players in this room, when, who, and where are they going to take it? When I asked her, she said she was put in her room after training😅
🔴 and Both blue circle  were left in the room without being washed 😅🤣😫

Someone will do it!
It looks like Team Bac ninh style😁🤣😆


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