コージの海外バレー放浪記(Koji's Overseas Volleyball Wandering)


懐かしき街 Ninh Binh!!その2(Nostalgic town Ninh Binh!! Part 2)



試合のないオフの日もありましたから、SEA GAME時に利用したホテルへ感を頼りに、足を運んで見ました。











It has been about a week since I joined Ninh Binh.

It was an off day without a game, so I went to the hotel I used for the SEA Game based on my intuition.

If I'm not mistaken, it looks like the hotel is new...

Also, the area around the hotel has changed too much.

This was the hotel, and there was a cafe around there, and I remembered that the old man was there from morning till night.

During the SeaGame, I remember going to the cafe behind the hotel with the players and watching the Vietnam vs Malaysia soccer match in a strange atmosphere.

The area around the hotel had changed so much that I couldn't understand it at all.

The road in front of the hotel is generally wide enough to have a median strip, so it was even more confusing.

20 years ago, I only drove trucks and only had the image of pride.

*The photo was taken after arriving at the hotel in the middle of the night.

i was exhausted


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