コージの海外バレー放浪記(Koji's Overseas Volleyball Wandering)


U Club Cup終了!!そして・・・(U Club Cup is over! ! and···)


Club Cupも終了し眼科検診の為に一時帰国することにしました。






前項にも述べましたが、12月31日で契約終了を伝えており、2024年のYouth tournament、UClub Cupでベンチに入ることは有り得ません。



















Kinh Bac Ninh Teamを運営する組織にはベトナム入国二日目にし契約変更を伝えられた上、選手間のトラブルに見舞われるという不信感しかない状態です。



After the Youth Club Cup ended, I decided to return to Japan temporarily for an eye exam.

A meeting about this tournament will be held from 9:00 a.m. on the 14th (Monday), the day before returning to Japan, with center No. 2 and No. 3 in attendance.

I had a bad feeling before the meeting, and it turned out to be true.

First, a greeting from the center's senior staff.

This order seems to be universal.

Next was me, the coach

As mentioned in the previous section, he has been informed that his contract will end on December 31st, and it is unlikely that he will be on the bench at the 2024 Youth Tournament or UClub Cup.

Therefore, we talked about the preparation period leading up to the 2024 Games.

The biggest problem with this team is the team's interpersonal relationships and individual personalities.

The center staff seemed to believe that they could win through technique alone.

Personality doesn't change in a day or two.

Just talking about it won't change anything.

Volleyball is a team sport and seems to be neglecting the importance of harmony.

During the discussion, I was called to the center director's office and was told the following.

“If you are not signing for next season, we would like to hire a new youth coach as soon as possible.

Therefore, I would like you to terminate your contract at the earliest.

This is a suggestion from our sponsor. ”.

(I know that the characteristics of this country tend to make the final decision arbitrary.)

My response is...

``If you have such a proposal, please do not ask for my opinion at the meeting just now.

Even if a new coach is found as proposed, will preparations for next year start in April 2024? Probably from May.

Vietnamese coaches don't start preparing early.

If it were me, I would start preparing now. that's all"

At this point, talk of early termination of the contract was postponed.

The organization that runs the Kinh Bac Ninh Team was informed of the contract change on the second day of their arrival in Vietnam, and there is a sense of distrust as they are faced with trouble between players.

I started my journey back to Japan in such an unsatisfying state.


[デサント] 靴下 5本指 ショートソックス 立体設計 アーチサポート ランニング ウォーキング ブルー 22-24

[デサントゴルフ] ゴルフ ソックス アンクル丈 PIECLEX 圧電抗菌 3D設計 踵ホールド 土踏まずアーチサポート DGBTJB00 メンズ BK00(ブラック) 25-27